Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2022
Generated 01-Oct-2022 02:19 W. Europe Daylight Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2022
Total Hits 209008
Total Files 206940
Total Pages 207995
Total Visits 8594
Total KBytes 108203
Total Unique Sites 1699
Total Unique URLs 117
Total Unique Referrers 222
Total Unique User Agents 351
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 290 583
Hits per Day 6966 10449
Files per Day 6898 10426
Pages per Day 6933 10423
Visits per Day 286 417
KBytes per Day 3607 6677
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 206940
Code 206 - Partial Content 3
Code 304 - Not Modified 105
Code 404 - Not Found 1939
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 21

Daily usage for September 2022

Daily Statistics for September 2022
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 6734 3.22% 6664 3.22% 6662 3.20% 311 3.62% 142 8.36% 2837 2.62%
2 5504 2.63% 5470 2.64% 5480 2.63% 354 4.12% 142 8.36% 2440 2.26%
3 6508 3.11% 6326 3.06% 6477 3.11% 285 3.32% 139 8.18% 2962 2.74%
4 4835 2.31% 4709 2.28% 4814 2.31% 302 3.51% 136 8.00% 2365 2.19%
5 6578 3.15% 6459 3.12% 6551 3.15% 67 0.78% 67 3.94% 2848 2.63%
6 6471 3.10% 6432 3.11% 6432 3.09% 211 2.46% 138 8.12% 2738 2.53%
7 6328 3.03% 6303 3.05% 6295 3.03% 329 3.83% 185 10.89% 2657 2.46%
8 6567 3.14% 6553 3.17% 6541 3.14% 260 3.03% 133 7.83% 2832 2.62%
9 5573 2.67% 5497 2.66% 5547 2.67% 297 3.46% 131 7.71% 2485 2.30%
10 5620 2.69% 5583 2.70% 5598 2.69% 318 3.70% 133 7.83% 2383 2.20%
11 7443 3.56% 7393 3.57% 7415 3.56% 318 3.70% 168 9.89% 3374 3.12%
12 8216 3.93% 8183 3.95% 8174 3.93% 389 4.53% 200 11.77% 4094 3.78%
13 6289 3.01% 6138 2.97% 6269 3.01% 335 3.90% 181 10.65% 4523 4.18%
14 5827 2.79% 5695 2.75% 5791 2.78% 398 4.63% 157 9.24% 3004 2.78%
15 6675 3.19% 6643 3.21% 6644 3.19% 370 4.31% 189 11.12% 3724 3.44%
16 7215 3.45% 7189 3.47% 7168 3.45% 331 3.85% 178 10.48% 3018 2.79%
17 10449 5.00% 10426 5.04% 10423 5.01% 119 1.38% 99 5.83% 5367 4.96%
18 8266 3.95% 8201 3.96% 8236 3.96% 283 3.29% 164 9.65% 5742 5.31%
19 9813 4.70% 9639 4.66% 9782 4.70% 233 2.71% 144 8.48% 4825 4.46%
20 9254 4.43% 9228 4.46% 9208 4.43% 353 4.11% 196 11.54% 5404 4.99%
21 9268 4.43% 9253 4.47% 9228 4.44% 417 4.85% 197 11.60% 6677 6.17%
22 9348 4.47% 9309 4.50% 9312 4.48% 317 3.69% 179 10.54% 5560 5.14%
23 6834 3.27% 6641 3.21% 6780 3.26% 275 3.20% 154 9.06% 4051 3.74%
24 7161 3.43% 7061 3.41% 7093 3.41% 301 3.50% 188 11.07% 4086 3.78%
25 5480 2.62% 5460 2.64% 5461 2.63% 268 3.12% 167 9.83% 2649 2.45%
26 4283 2.05% 4258 2.06% 4262 2.05% 243 2.83% 156 9.18% 2257 2.09%
27 6329 3.03% 6182 2.99% 6306 3.03% 281 3.27% 188 11.07% 3612 3.34%
28 6489 3.10% 6436 3.11% 6458 3.10% 243 2.83% 170 10.01% 2819 2.61%
29 6240 2.99% 6222 3.01% 6223 2.99% 263 3.06% 197 11.60% 3010 2.78%
30 7411 3.55% 7387 3.57% 7365 3.54% 251 2.92% 186 10.95% 3860 3.57%

Hourly usage for September 2022

Hourly Statistics for September 2022
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 303 9108 4.36% 302 9064 4.38% 302 9064 4.36% 148 4436 4.10%
1 294 8831 4.23% 293 8800 4.25% 293 8813 4.24% 146 4366 4.03%
2 292 8769 4.20% 291 8749 4.23% 291 8753 4.21% 146 4366 4.04%
3 281 8440 4.04% 280 8401 4.06% 280 8412 4.04% 144 4308 3.98%
4 273 8218 3.93% 271 8153 3.94% 271 8157 3.92% 143 4277 3.95%
5 268 8062 3.86% 257 7719 3.73% 267 8038 3.86% 154 4629 4.28%
6 264 7947 3.80% 261 7835 3.79% 263 7904 3.80% 144 4306 3.98%
7 271 8134 3.89% 269 8097 3.91% 270 8104 3.90% 143 4280 3.96%
8 292 8788 4.20% 290 8711 4.21% 291 8750 4.21% 154 4618 4.27%
9 294 8841 4.23% 289 8679 4.19% 290 8725 4.19% 158 4740 4.38%
10 292 8765 4.19% 286 8584 4.15% 291 8732 4.20% 157 4707 4.35%
11 294 8845 4.23% 293 8808 4.26% 293 8799 4.23% 151 4520 4.18%
12 283 8511 4.07% 282 8477 4.10% 282 8470 4.07% 144 4322 3.99%
13 290 8713 4.17% 289 8671 4.19% 288 8647 4.16% 150 4511 4.17%
14 289 8683 4.15% 286 8586 4.15% 288 8642 4.15% 154 4606 4.26%
15 287 8614 4.12% 286 8589 4.15% 286 8584 4.13% 149 4466 4.13%
16 284 8535 4.08% 283 8500 4.11% 283 8505 4.09% 149 4472 4.13%
17 287 8623 4.13% 286 8580 4.15% 285 8578 4.12% 149 4482 4.14%
18 284 8529 4.08% 282 8484 4.10% 282 8484 4.08% 146 4394 4.06%
19 294 8830 4.22% 291 8754 4.23% 293 8805 4.23% 148 4432 4.10%
20 307 9220 4.41% 305 9178 4.44% 306 9196 4.42% 154 4625 4.27%
21 306 9202 4.40% 304 9131 4.41% 304 9141 4.39% 154 4609 4.26%
22 318 9569 4.58% 312 9373 4.53% 316 9502 4.57% 165 4942 4.57%
23 307 9231 4.42% 300 9017 4.36% 306 9190 4.42% 160 4790 4.43%

Top 30 of 117 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 178432 85.37% 76374 70.58% /webalizer/default.html
2 20835 9.97% 23752 21.95% /webalizer/usage_202209.html
3 4556 2.18% 1242 1.15% /
4 1705 0.82% 2188 2.02% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
5 369 0.18% 303 0.28% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
6 120 0.06% 39 0.04% /contact.html
7 90 0.04% 101 0.09% /favicon.ico
8 65 0.03% 9 0.01% /Werkwijze.html
9 62 0.03% 75 0.07% /Activiteiten.html
10 58 0.03% 10 0.01% /Techniek.html
11 58 0.03% 79 0.07% /Uitgangspunten.html
12 57 0.03% 60 0.05% /Referenties.html
13 56 0.03% 79 0.07% /Partners.html
14 53 0.03% 9 0.01% /Index.html
15 37 0.02% 36 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202004.html
16 30 0.01% 5 0.00% /techniek.html
17 14 0.01% 5 0.00% /Data/CV_Arend_Ketelaar.pdf
18 9 0.00% 13 0.01% /activiteiten.html
19 7 0.00% 1 0.00% /werkwijze.html
20 6 0.00% 10 0.01% /partners.html
21 6 0.00% 7 0.01% /referenties.html
22 5 0.00% 0 0.00% /data/cv_arend_ketelaar.pdf
23 5 0.00% 8 0.01% /uitgangspunten.html
24 5 0.00% 5 0.00% /webalizer/usage_201502.html
25 5 0.00% 8 0.01% /webalizer/usage_201702.html
26 5 0.00% 2 0.00% /webalizer/usage_202104.html
27 5 0.00% 4 0.00% /webalizer/usage_202201.html
28 5 0.00% 4 0.00% /webalizer/usage_202208.html
29 4 0.00% 1 0.00% /Contact.html
30 4 0.00% 4 0.00% /webalizer/usage_201405.html

Top 10 of 117 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 178432 85.37% 76374 70.58% /webalizer/default.html
2 20835 9.97% 23752 21.95% /webalizer/usage_202209.html
3 1705 0.82% 2188 2.02% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
4 4556 2.18% 1242 1.15% /
5 369 0.18% 303 0.28% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
6 90 0.04% 101 0.09% /favicon.ico
7 58 0.03% 79 0.07% /Uitgangspunten.html
8 56 0.03% 79 0.07% /Partners.html
9 62 0.03% 75 0.07% /Activiteiten.html
10 57 0.03% 60 0.05% /Referenties.html

Top 10 of 98 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 178432 85.37% 6556 77.28% /webalizer/default.html
2 4556 2.18% 1183 13.95% /
3 369 0.18% 282 3.32% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
4 20835 9.97% 33 0.39% /webalizer/usage_202209.html
5 120 0.06% 31 0.37% /contact.html
6 58 0.03% 29 0.34% /Techniek.html
7 65 0.03% 26 0.31% /Werkwijze.html
8 62 0.03% 25 0.29% /Activiteiten.html
9 58 0.03% 24 0.28% /Uitgangspunten.html
10 56 0.03% 23 0.27% /Partners.html

Top 10 of 99 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 178432 85.37% 6548 77.32% /webalizer/default.html
2 4556 2.18% 1130 13.34% /
3 369 0.18% 280 3.31% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
4 120 0.06% 62 0.73% /contact.html
5 20835 9.97% 33 0.39% /webalizer/usage_202209.html
6 65 0.03% 31 0.37% /Werkwijze.html
7 56 0.03% 27 0.32% /Partners.html
8 58 0.03% 27 0.32% /Uitgangspunten.html
9 57 0.03% 26 0.31% /Referenties.html
10 53 0.03% 25 0.30% /Index.html

Top 30 of 1699 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 68002 32.54% 68002 32.86% 20623 19.06% 31 0.36%
2 67079 32.09% 67079 32.41% 33773 31.21% 9 0.10%
3 13877 6.64% 13877 6.71% 12018 11.11% 16 0.19%
4 9784 4.68% 9784 4.73% 4958 4.58% 13 0.15%
5 9652 4.62% 9652 4.66% 4917 4.54% 3 0.03%
6 6527 3.12% 6527 3.15% 7393 6.83% 5 0.06%
7 3669 1.76% 3669 1.77% 1069 0.99% 497 5.78%
8 3635 1.74% 3635 1.76% 1824 1.69% 2 0.02%
9 3165 1.51% 3165 1.53% 1615 1.49% 7 0.08%
10 2998 1.43% 2998 1.45% 3660 3.38% 1 0.01%
11 2797 1.34% 2797 1.35% 1417 1.31% 4 0.05%
12 1800 0.86% 1800 0.87% 2382 2.20% 7 0.08%
13 1692 0.81% 1692 0.82% 2176 2.01% 5 0.06%
14 1326 0.63% 1326 0.64% 672 0.62% 1 0.01%
15 413 0.20% 413 0.20% 432 0.40% 1 0.01%
16 354 0.17% 354 0.17% 204 0.19% 2 0.02%
17 318 0.15% 318 0.15% 161 0.15% 2 0.02%
18 272 0.13% 272 0.13% 138 0.13% 216 2.51%
19 254 0.12% 254 0.12% 128 0.12% 191 2.22%
20 231 0.11% 231 0.11% 117 0.11% 145 1.69%
21 211 0.10% 211 0.10% 106 0.10% 151 1.76%
22 186 0.09% 186 0.09% 94 0.09% 152 1.77%
23 152 0.07% 0 0.00% 266 0.25% 2 0.02%
24 147 0.07% 147 0.07% 75 0.07% 132 1.54%
25 142 0.07% 142 0.07% 72 0.07% 112 1.30%
26 141 0.07% 141 0.07% 71 0.07% 108 1.26%
27 126 0.06% 126 0.06% 63 0.06% 90 1.05%
28 125 0.06% 0 0.00% 219 0.20% 1 0.01%
29 124 0.06% 0 0.00% 217 0.20% 1 0.01%
30 124 0.06% 0 0.00% 217 0.20% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 1699 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 67079 32.09% 67079 32.41% 33773 31.21% 9 0.10%
2 68002 32.54% 68002 32.86% 20623 19.06% 31 0.36%
3 13877 6.64% 13877 6.71% 12018 11.11% 16 0.19%
4 6527 3.12% 6527 3.15% 7393 6.83% 5 0.06%
5 9784 4.68% 9784 4.73% 4958 4.58% 13 0.15%
6 9652 4.62% 9652 4.66% 4917 4.54% 3 0.03%
7 2998 1.43% 2998 1.45% 3660 3.38% 1 0.01%
8 1800 0.86% 1800 0.87% 2382 2.20% 7 0.08%
9 1692 0.81% 1692 0.82% 2176 2.01% 5 0.06%
10 3635 1.74% 3635 1.76% 1824 1.69% 2 0.02%

Top 30 of 222 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 13659 6.54%
2 13647 6.53%
3 13603 6.51%
4 13567 6.49%
5 13526 6.47%
6 9652 4.62%
7 6740 3.22%
8 5888 2.82%
9 5188 2.48% https://xn-----8kcabrkw4asecefhmfso.xn--p1ai
10 4426 2.12%
11 4389 2.10%
12 4366 2.09%
13 4345 2.08%
14 4305 2.06%
15 4294 2.05%
16 4230 2.02%
17 4154 1.99%
18 4106 1.96%
19 3833 1.83%
20 3808 1.82%
21 3784 1.81%
22 3748 1.79%
23 3670 1.76%
24 3668 1.75%
25 2947 1.41% https://xn-----6kcchdgdke3as3cfbjv3anfb.xn--p1ai/
26 2616 1.25%
27 2585 1.24%
28 1882 0.90%
29 1424 0.68%
30 1376 0.66%

Top 15 of 351 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 68008 32.54% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1)
2 3668 1.75% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:102.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/102.0
3 2223 1.06% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.34+Safari/537.36
4 2155 1.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36+Edg/83.0.478.37
5 2154 1.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36
6 2151 1.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.24+Safari/537.36+Edg/83.0.478.18
7 2138 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36
8 2135 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.44+Safari/537.36
9 2134 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4102.0+Safari/537.36
10 2132 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4093.3+Safari/537.36
11 2131 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36
12 2128 1.02% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36
13 2120 1.01% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.14+Safari/537.36
14 2119 1.01% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4103.61+Safari/537.36
15 2114 1.01% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/83.0.4099.2+Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2022

Top 30 of 51 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 162602 77.80% 162595 78.57% 69889 64.59% Russian Federation
2 27967 13.38% 27846 13.46% 23845 22.04% Network
3 10591 5.07% 9606 4.64% 10127 9.36% Unresolved/Unknown
4 3674 1.76% 3674 1.78% 1072 0.99% Samoa
5 2551 1.22% 1996 0.96% 1915 1.77% US Commercial
6 416 0.20% 110 0.05% 599 0.55% Germany
7 234 0.11% 234 0.11% 119 0.11% India
8 135 0.06% 135 0.07% 68 0.06% Bangladesh
9 103 0.05% 102 0.05% 53 0.05% Colombia
10 99 0.05% 15 0.01% 159 0.15% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
11 92 0.04% 92 0.04% 46 0.04% Brazil
12 59 0.03% 59 0.03% 31 0.03% Canada
13 50 0.02% 50 0.02% 26 0.02% Poland
14 48 0.02% 48 0.02% 24 0.02% Ukraine
15 44 0.02% 44 0.02% 22 0.02% Indonesia
16 43 0.02% 41 0.02% 30 0.03% Netherlands
17 41 0.02% 41 0.02% 22 0.02% Viet Nam
18 28 0.01% 25 0.01% 28 0.03% Non-Profit Organization
19 27 0.01% 27 0.01% 14 0.01% Mexico
20 26 0.01% 26 0.01% 13 0.01% Turkey
21 21 0.01% 21 0.01% 11 0.01% Bulgaria
22 19 0.01% 19 0.01% 10 0.01% Czech Republic
23 19 0.01% 19 0.01% 10 0.01% Kyrgyzstan
24 16 0.01% 16 0.01% 8 0.01% Italy
25 12 0.01% 12 0.01% 6 0.01% Moldova
26 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 5 0.00% Kenya
27 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 8 0.01% Sweden
28 8 0.00% 6 0.00% 7 0.01% Austria
29 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 4 0.00% Australia
30 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 3 0.00% South Africa

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01